Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Two Deaths, Two Different Stories About Perceived Power—03.22.18

In Sunday’s violent shooting death of 22-year-old father of two Stephon Clark, Sacramento, Calif., is drawn back to an era of cop killings and rampant abuse of people of color that roiled the city and became a national disgrace. Despite promises to clean up its act, the killing of Clark has brought the city’s leaders back to the place they said Sacramento would never be again.

Three days later, a 23-year-old man, Mark Conditt, who had terrorized Austin, Texas, for 17 days with package bombs that killed two people and injured four others, blew himself up in his car as federal investigators closed in on him. He left a phone video admitting he was the bomber.

Leid Stories discusses the differences in the way both cases were treated

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