Leid Stories—The ‘Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ Had Called It Early on the Clintons; New Bombshells on the Clinton Foundation’s Charity Fraud —11.01.16

Back in 1998, when Bill Clinton was into his second term as president, Hillary Clinton famously blamed a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” for propagating a series of scandals that were meant to tarnish the sterling reputations and characters of the White House’s two main occupants and turn the people against them. The Clintons still profess this to be true, pointing to a torrent of unflattering, even sensational, headlines and news coverage they’ve had to endure. But they always could depend on the mainstream media to blunt harsh criticism.

As Leid Stories has noted, many of the issues that have now become central to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy were raised not by major “liberal” media, but by right-of-center and independent, unapologetically partisan news outlets. Dr. Jerome Corsi, a senior investigative reporter with the right-leaning WND.com (formerly World Net Daily), is among them. He discusses some of the stories about the Clintons that would not have seen the light of day were it not for news outlets determined to break the hegemony of “liberal” media on national politics.

More bombshell news about the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation and its various affiliated pseudocharities—and it’s very, very bad.

Charles Ortel, former Wall Street financial analyst and recognized leading expert on the   Clinton Foundation, reveals new findings about the foundation’s illegal operations, and discusses criminal probes that have been launched, both within the United States and by several foreign governments, to track down where billions of dollars went.

Ortel calls the foundation “the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in history.”

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