Let’s Create A Better World – 04.16.16

Prostate Cancer is growing by leaps and bounds in the United States and a number of other places worldwide. This disease effects men of ages, especially men over 40. Our guest is Peter Starr who has traveled the world and put together a DVD on his interviews with 56 major doctors and holistic practitioners that give their feedback, information and tips on overcoming this dis-ease and the related issues.  He also discusses the important supportive role that women play in this process as a helper and care giver.

Peter talks about how he overcame prostate cancer and how he is continuing a healthy lifestyle and all the things he is doing to teach and get the word out on this disease.

Peter discusses conventional treatments vs. the new natural methods and the side effects of cancer treatment.  Other related topics discussed include the essential steps of living a healthy lifestyle, having an active sex life, keeping a healthy diet and surrounding yourself with better people in life overall.

Peter Starr’s website: www.SurvivingProstateCancer.org

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