Progressive Radio Network

Let's Create A Better World

Let’s Create A Better World – 10.10.15

Dr. Thomas Lodi of “An Oasis of Healing” in Mesa, AZ., is our special guest here to discuss integrative, alternative and nutritional solutions to treating cancer and the best ways and tips to living a healthier, happier life.  We have a truly inspiring discussion with Dr. Lodi on his holistic approach toward healing cancer and treating patients through teaching them how to live a happier, healthier life.   Areas discussed include the current medical system, changes and growth taking place in holistic healing, the foods we eat, our overall diet, alkaline water and the influence of surrounding our self with the right people who share the right holistic, positive growth intentions.  Along with better ways to live life with a more open-mind for daily growth and empowerment and how to always be learning new ways to live healthier in all areas:  Psychically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Host Bobby Elias and co-host Stefan Rudolph discuss these benefits and more related to alternative health care, conscious awareness of how we’re fueling our body, upcoming summits and events that we can attend in person and online and tips to how we can heal our “Self!” With Dr. Lodi’s advice and feedback we have a great show for you today!
Dr. Lodi is licensed as a Homeopathic Medical Doctor MD(H) in the State of Arizona and is licensed as an Allopathic Medical Doctor (MD) in the state of New York.  Dr Lodi has completed a Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapies and a Fellowship in Anti-Aging, Regenerative & Functional Medicine.  Dr Lodi sits on the Scientific Advisory Board for Immunogenic Research Foundation (IMREF), the Medical Advisory Board for Elka Best Foundation, and is an active-allied member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).