Two young women with great ideas, plans and dreams to inform people about plant based eating, veganism, eco friendly products, and a healthy lifestyle, are the guests on this show.
Sarah Gross and Nira Palinoda founded U.S. Veg Corp which produces exciting and educational happenings centered on plant-based living and a green sustainable lifestyle. Its signature event is the NYC Vegetarian Food Festival, introducing world-class speakers, chefs, entertainers, and 100+ exhibitors each year showcasing vegan food, cruelty-free products/services and green initiatives. This is part of a large explosion in the health field in this country. They are also active members of the local vegetarian & green movement which is how they keep in touch with community needs.
Their involvement with the community ensures that the events they put on address the latest issues concerning the vegetarian/vegan market and the latest technologies.
Host Bobby Elias speaks with the young women about the fast growing health movement, and also a plant based diet. It was also pointed out how the government, corporations and media are being forced to change their attitudes, policies and marketing strategies.
Sarah also has a company called “Rescue Chocolate” which donates all profits to animal rescuing.
Their next events in 2017 are coming up in New York City (May 20-21), Scottsdale, Arzozna (January 28-29) and then back in California later in the year.
For contact information their website is:; the email address is:: in**@us*******.com; and the phone number is: 917.544.7306); they also have a Facebook page: facebook/