Former UK RN, (84` – `94) Alison McDermott became disillusioned with mainstream healthcare, leaving the NHS to learn natural health modalities, travelling extensively in Europe, Canada and the US.
Alison met the founder of FireburnDoctor 13 years ago, became a student of his work, graduated, (The real NHS – Natural Hyperborean Sciences) and has witnessed his medically impossible results on hundreds of people in all kinds of health crises, including herself and her children.
Since then she has been helping to get the world out worldwide about the “Fireburn Doctor Team which aims to wipe out the world statistics on burns and give the public direct, physical proof … The science and technology of SDI (Subliminal Distant Influentiality) can do much more than burns
Mother of two young adults, Alison now resides in Northern Los Angeles County.
Burn injuries statistically account for more deaths worldwide than HIV/AIDS…especially in children. This statistic is dramatically increasing as global crises of war and climate change impact our world.
The FireburnDoctor Team are a “grassroots” group of professional volunteers offering a FREE (and always will be) humanitarian service for burn injuries that is eradicating the needless suffering from burns worldwide with a profound technology that provokes the body to fix itself…in minutes and from a distance. The origins of DSNB (Distant Subliminal Neuro – Bypassing) has it`s roots connecting ancient traditions (Celtic, Native American, Jewish, Vedas)
Consistently in over 1500 cases from 50 US states, 58 countries worldwide, people are reporting the same results through calling the FireBurnDoctor. Pain is gone in minutes, the blisters and red marks disappear in hours and in severe cases, just days!
No cost, no “product”, no placebo, no risk and no scars, results the medical, scientific and alternative communities cannot produce.
This is the only work of it`s kind in the world, the science of the unconscious mind producing physical proof under medical, scientific and media scrutiny.
The emergency number to call from anywhere in the world is 001 818-332-6445 and to reach Alison direct is 909 682-0404. v=9rZbjJze3wg& “Rush” – the award-winning (Monaco Film Festival 2014/Sochi Film Festival 2016) montage of public (real names) video testimony – please note credits at the end.