LOA Today – 05.07.15

The recent events in Baltimore filled our news sources with stuff to write about, provided a venting of anger, and destroyed a lot of property.

As usual, the left pointed fingers at the right, the right pointed fingers at the left, and the people in the streets just looted and destroyed while their family, friends, and community leaders disapproved and yelled at them.

We propose a different reaction.

In this week’s show, Uohna tells the story of a man who applied the principles of Ho’oponopono to a mental hospital in Hawaii that ended up releasing all its inmates as healthy people and closing their doors. It’s a spiritual story of healing you won’t want to miss.

Join us as we apply the principles of Ho’oponopono to help providing healing for Baltimore and for all the other places around the country where anger, despair, and fear compete for human attention.

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