Progressive Radio Network

Love Lust And Laughter

Love Lust And Laughter – 07.12.16

Dr. Diana’s good friend and famous columnist April Masini ( – where 26 thousand questions have been answered) had a very interactive discussion. Diana’s fiance Bryan called in because he also contributed to the piece – especially  the “Synch Up” idea. This is where a skilled lover plugs into a woman’s breath and pelvic thrusts, following her lead. Listening to her vocalizations can be helpful because there may be a pattern. Bryan added that paying real attention to the woman’s pleasure pays off. His philosophy: Worship your woman and the Goddess will reward you! April asked Dr. Diana how she coaches guys who want more high-desire women. Women often need time to decompress (and feel safe) – so giving a massage first really works. It’ll be a turn-on for him to see her naked, and his caresses will release oxytocin. Later, put on some music and dance! Show appreciation: saying what you really value and appreciate about her. Also, paying attention works while actively listening. Pure, non-distracted attention is so seductive and very affirming! April also asked about ways to spice things up, avoiding the same-old, same-old. Engage all your senses – smell, hearing, touch, taste and sight. Light scented candles, play pulsating music, put fresh sheets on the bed, feed each other sensual foods, watch erotic films, wear sexy lingerie, dance, and smell your partner. Sensual sex can extend your pleasure! There’s lots more: tune-in for a most stimulating program, and read the article linked below.

April interviewed Diana. She had done this recently for a collaborative article – .

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