Progressive Radio Network

Love Lust And Laughter

Love Lust And Laughter – 08.02.16

What about male sexual desires and porn?  Brad Coates, author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY” 4TH Edition (, discussed this provocative subject with Dr. Diana. There is whole body sensuality vs porn’s genital focus: why is porn bad for sex? It ignores female erotic needs, and often causes male sexual problems. We also discussed healthy sexuality and seniors. There is a need to reestablish intimacy because often when a man is faced with ED, he’ll withdraw into silence, sometimes punctuated by angry outbursts. Intimacy involves opening yourself up emotionally. Men need to remember that sex is not all about his penis. This myth is an outgrowth of pornography, which is totally penis-focused. Great sex involves your whole body – it’s based on leisurely, playful, whole-body sensuality for the two of you!

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