Dr. Linda De Villers returned. She is the author of “Love Skills – A Fun, Upbeat Guide to Sex-cessful Relationships” and “Simple Sexy Food – 101 Tasty Aphrodisiac Recipes and Sensual Tips to Stir Your Libido and Feed Your Love.” Both books can be found on www.DrLindaDeVillers.com – actually, perfect for V-Day coming up! Dr. Diana and Dr. Linda discussed gay and lesbian relationships – included in her 6th Edition of “Love Skills.” The LGBT civil rights movement has communicated there are different ways to be sexual and intimate. Dr. Linda’s book “Love Skills” points out that gay men can be competitive in exercising with a partner, and that some lesbian women have experienced sexual abuse. The reaction can be this: put on weight to protect
oneself. Ramping up to V-Day, the docs spoke about kissing. Being a great kisser – mastering those lingering, luxuriant lip-locks can boost the frequency and quality of your bedroom action, studies suggest. The frequency of a couple’s kissing has implications about issues like abandonment, divorce, and infidelity. If you are kissing frequently, it telegraphs commitment. Dr. Linda’s book “Simple Sexy Food” understands that food and sex are inextricably linked. We use the same senses at the table to measure a great meal as we do to appreciate a fine time in bed – the eyes, the ears, the nose, the mouth, and tactile sensations. Great food is like great sex…both can evoke ecstatic pleasure! You’ll find some great V-Day inspirations!