Progressive Radio Network

Love Lust And Laughter

Love Lust And Laughter - 12.06.16

Ross Rosenberg returned to the show – this time with even more passion about narcissism in light of the recent election. His best-selling book “The Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love People Who Hurt Us”  ( explains why patient, giving, and selfless individuals (codependents) are predictably attracted to selfish, self-centered partners (pathological narcissists). Our President-Elect, Donald Trump, almost certainly suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Ross Rosenberg spoke eloquently as a Clinician and as an author about the many kinds of narcissism. A key feature of NPD is a sense of entitlement; we are already seeing that Trump will not respect the traditional boundaries of the office. The rules don’t apply to him. He desires even more wealth and power because it fills a void. Ross had so many brilliant observations! Please listen to the show.

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