Progressive Radio Network

Higher Education

Mandarin for the Warlords: The Harvard School of Empire Building - Prof. James Petras

Harvard professor Joseph Nye, a former senior Pentagon functionary, is one of the longest serving and most influential advisers to US empire building officials.  Nye has recently re-affirmed the primacy of the US as a world power in his latest book, Is the American Century Over?  And his article, ‘The American Century will survive the Rise of China’ (Financial Times, 3/26/15, p. 7).  These publications are in line with his earlier book, Bound to Lead, and his longstanding view that the US is not a declining world power, that it retains ‘supremacy’ even in the face of China’s rise to global power.

Nye’s views of US world supremacy have served to encourage Washington to wage multiple wars ; his view of US economic power has allowed policy-makers to ignore fundamental weaknesses in the US economy and to overestimate US power, based on what he dubs, ‘soft’ and ‘military’ power.

In tackling Professor Nye’s work, we are not dealing with a ‘detached academic in the ivory tower’ – we are taking on a high level political influential, a hardline military hawk, whose views are reflected in the forging of strategic decisions and whose arguments serve to justify major government policies.

First, we will proceed through a critical analysis of his theoretical assumptions, historical arguments and conceptual framework.  In the second part of this essay, we will consider the political consequences, which have flowed from his analysis and prescriptions.  In the conclusion, we shall propose an alternative, more realistic, analysis of US global power, one more attuned to the real international position of the US in the world today.

Nye’s Analysis is Ossified in His Distorted Time Warp

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