Progressive Radio Network


Meaningful Movies Network shows films that make viewers think

Some films simply entertain (or not); others raise awareness.

The Meaningful Movies Network has more than a dozen community-based Seattle-area groups that show social-justice documentary films that can make a positive change in the world. Films that attract viewers with common interests in the principles of peace, justice and non-violence. Discussions are held after the film.

The Network has more than a dozen community-based Seattle-area groups, including Sno-King Meaningful Movies.

“We have topics of concern for social justice and all issues that have to do with our culture and economy. We definitely look at a broad-based range of movies,” said Lynnwood resident Cathy Roper, chairwoman of Snohomish County Peace Action.

A committee with representatives from the peace and justice committee of the Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church, the social ministry of the Shoreline Unitarian Universalist Church, and Snohomish County Peace Action preview movies and select which ones to show.

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