Progressive Radio Network


Michael Roberts - American Narcissism: Body And Beauty

It’s a brand new year and you’ve made the now customary resolutions. Not about your future as a person but as a future person. Convinced by years of addictive conditioning and non-stop TV advertising that your unhealthy dalliance with body and beauty is normal, you embark on a no-win, must-lose path, to feed that drug-like obsession with body and beauty perfection. You just gotta look good for that selfie on Facebook!

Fact is that people in America are now fanatically obsessed with body image. Television feeds this nauseating addiction with all kinds of shows that glorify the wraithlike female body while casting scorn on what’s now known as the “plus sizes,” as if human body size boils down to mere arithmetic. Thanks to the fashion industry, in a way it does. Both males and females are now defined by a magic number in the single digit category. And all you have to do is wander into any bookstore in New York City and you can peruse all sorts of titles about losing weight or achieving celebrity glamor.

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