Wi-Fi signals are, unlike TV and radio signals, strong enough to penetrate concrete walls. Many health experts consider Wi-Fi radiation to be extremely dangerous to long-term health. Based on the existing science, many public health experts believe it is possible we will face an epidemic of cancers in the future resulting from uncontrolled use of cell phones and increased population exposure to Wi-Fi and other wireless devices. Now more people than ever are reporting unexplained symptoms causes by Wi-Fi.
From using cell phones and computers to watching movies online, wireless technology has certainly made life easier. But there is a serious downside and many claim that exposure to wi-fi is making people sick, and some people don’t even know it.
More health experts are advising that it is important that all of us, and especially children, to limit exposure to background levels of Wi-Fi, and that government and industry discover ways in which to allow use of wireless devices without such elevated risk of serious disease. We need to educate decision-makers that ‘business as usual’ is unacceptable. The importance of this public health issue can not be underestimated,” said Dr. David Carpenter, Dean at the School of Public Health, State University of New York.
Since Wi-Fi is so recent, no studies have yet been done on the long-term health effects of Wi-Fi. However, thousands of studies have been done on the health effects of mobile phones and mobile phone masts. These studies have found that mobile phone radiation can cause cancer!