William Hawes and Paul Street.
William Hawes is a writer specializing in politics and environmental
issues. He is author of the ebook Planetary Vision: Essays on Freedom
and Empire. His articles have appeared online at CounterPunch, Global
Research, Countercurrents(.org), Gods & Radicals, Dissident Voice, The
Ecologist, and many more. You can email him at wilhawes@gmail.com.
Visit his website williamhawes.wordpress.com.
Paul Street is an independent radical-democratic policy researcher,
journalist, historian, author and speaker based in Iowa City, Iowa,
and Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of 7 books. His latest book
is titled They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy. Paul’s writings have been
featured in all of the major progressive media outlets such as:
CounterPunch, Truth Dig, TruthOut, Black Agenda Report, Common Dreams,
Global Research, Z Communications and many more.
Rob’s Website:
Rob’s latest articles in CounterPunch: