Progressive Radio Network

Moving Forward

Moving Forward - 11.06.17

The mainstream media is claiming that Detroit is making a comeback.
But questions remain, who is the city making a comeback for and who is
paying the price for this comeback?  We are joined today by Abayomi
Azikiwe to answer these pressing questions.

Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire, an
electronic press agency that was founded in 1998. He has worked for
decades in solidarity with the liberation movements and progressive
governments on the African continent and the Caribbean.

Azikiwe is a graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit where he
earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Political Science/Public
Administration and Educational and Administrative Studies.

He is the co-founder of several Detroit-area organizations including:
The Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, the Michigan Emergency
Committee Against War & Injustice, and the Moratorium NOW! Coalition
to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs.

Between 2007-2011 Azikiwe served as the chairperson of the Michigan
Coalition for Human Rights(MCHR) and is currently the president of the

Azikiwe has worked as a broadcast journalist for nearly19 years and
has hosted and co-hosted programs on several radio stations including,
WHPR in Highland Park, MI, WDTR in Detroit, WCHB in Detroit, CKLN in
Toronto and WDTW in Detroit. In 2010 he launched a weekly two-hour
blog talk radio program entitiled the “Pan-African Journal.”

Azikiwe is often solicited by various newspaper, radio and television
stations for comment and analysis on local, national and world
affairs. He has served as a political analyst for Press TV, TVC
Nigeria and RT worldwide satellite television news networks as well as
other international media in the areas of African and world affairs.
He has appeared on numerous television and radio networks including Al
Jazeera, CCTV, BBC, NPR, Radio Netherlands, the Australian
Broadcasting Corporation, Belgian Pirate Radio, CGTN.

Azikiwe has traveled and lectured throughout the United States and
Canada. In the 1990s he conducted field research in the Southern
African nations of South Africa, Namibia and Lesotho (La-sue-to).

He is the author of numerous articles and monographs and his writings
have been published in the Zimbabwe Herald, The New Worker in England,
Africa Insight in South Africa, the Center for Research on
Globalization in Montreal, The 4th Media in Beijing, Capital Asia in
Malaysia, the Albany Tribune, Black Agenda Report, The San Francisco
BayView, in West Africa, Pambuzuka News in London, World
Financial Review in the UK, etc.

Rob’s website:


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