Progressive Radio Network

Natural Nurse And Dr. Z

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z - Add Nature to Your Wellness Toolbox - 01.09.18

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN,, interviews Susan Allison-Dean, MS, RN, AHN-BC, CCAP. Susan is a board certified Advanced Holistic Nurse, Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional and Founder of The Nature Nurse.  She has been a nurse for nearly thirty years–practicing as Clinical Nurse Specialist at Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale University for most of her early career, before she transitioned to Holistic Nursing. Her  path into natural living led her to expand her knowledge of horticulture including working at a garden center and doing an organic internship at Highgrove Estate, private home to Prince Charles.  She explored Caribbean islands, where she got to know whales and dolphins personally in the wild as sentient beings. Today, she is reaching people through her organization, The Nature Nurse.
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