Progressive Radio Network

Natural Nurse And Dr. Z

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z - Living Safely within a Wireless World - 01.03.17

Host, Ellen Kamhi, PhD,RN, interviews Dr. Elizabeth Plourde,  a health educator and vibrant-health coach.   Dr. Plourde is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist with a background in cancer and DNA testing.  Her work experience and research has provided her with the skills to compile the evidence and research for her ground breaking documentation of the truth behind the damage created by the wireless technological age. With degrees in both Biological Science and Psychology, Elizabeth Plourde is a North American Menopause Society Certified Menopause Practitioner, as well as a licensed Clinical Laboratory Scientist. Her 25-years of research and expertise in the field of health have resulted in her appearances on ABC’s 20/20, Berman & Berman: For Women Only, Good Morning America, The Gary Null Show, and numerous network news programs and radio shows across the country. She is the Author of several book, including:
EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution – 3rd Edition

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