Progressive Radio Network

NDC Savings Club

NDC Savings Club – 02.17.16

Today Show: Living Foods

Guest Speaker:  Gary Null, Ph.D

An internationally renowned expert in the field of health, nutrition and research, Dr. Gary Null, Ph.D is the author of over 70 best-selling books on healthy living and the director of over 100 critically acclaimed full-feature documentary films on natural health, self-empowerment and the environment. He is the host of ‘The Progressive Commentary Hour” and “The Gary Null Show”, the country’s longest running nationally syndicated health radio talk show which can be heard daily on here on the Progressive Radio Network.

Throughout his career, Gary Null has made hundreds of radio and television broadcasts throughout the country as an environmentalist, consumer advocate, investigative reporter and nutrition educator. More than 28 different Gary Null television specials have appeared on PBS stations throughout the nation, inspiring and motivating millions of viewers. He originated and completed more than one hundred major investigations on health issues resulting in the use of material by 20/20 and 60 Minutes. Dr. Null started this network to provide his followers with a media outlet for health and advocacy. For more of Dr. Null’s Work visit and Progressive Radio Network at  www.PRN.LIVE, Dr. Null has a full line of all-natural home and healthcare products that can be purchased at his Online Store at

New Series: The 36 Flow of Energy Systems. 

Living Foods Meridians Chi Homeoptic
Magnets Crystals Healers Naturopathic
Acupuncture Yin & Yang Yoga Chiropractic
Qi-Gong Reflexology Meditation Sound – Music
Auras Chinese Medicine Ayurvedic Color
Chakras Massage Therapy Reiki Quantum Physics

Recap commentary of last week show: Meditation


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