Progressive Radio Network

Middle East

Netanyahu flails against int’l conspiracy, as liberal Zionists seek orange revolution against ‘fading strongman’

Israel’s illusion that it is at the center of the known universe is now shared by a lot of American commentators. The mood is even more intense because liberal Zionists sense a historic election in which Benjamin Netanyahu goes down and is replaced by the center-left. Haaretz’s Barak Ravid is mocking the prime minister’s statements about outside influence:  Netanyahu says “Scandinavia” is trying to topple him. Yes – you heard me – Scandinavia  Gershom Gorenberg explains that Netanyahu has accused European governments, especially Scandinavian ones, of funding campaign to depose him. Gorenberg:  Last refuge of the fading strongman: accuse outside agitators, foreign govts  Chemi Shalev of Haaretz chimes in:

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