New Cannabis Capsule Is So Effective That It’s Replacing Big Pharma Painkillers

If you know any female cannabis users, you may have heard that it can be very effective at relieving menstrual cramps. Now, a company called Foria Relief has created a vaginal suppository that could replace ibuprofen, Midol or Vicodin. It’s even made with an aromatic cocoa butter base.

FORIA Relief has been carefully crafted using a delivery system intended to maximize the muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties of cannabis without inducing a psychotropic “high.” Cannabis has a long, cross-cultural history of use as a natural aid in easing symptoms associated with menstruation. Our intention is to share the powerful medicinal properties of this plant while utilizing modern extraction techniques to standardize purity and potency, thereby ensuring a safe and accessible experience for all women.

The active ingredients are extracted from pesticide-free cannabis flowers and made into exact doses—60 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 10 mg of cannabidiol (CBD)—in a microbial-free process. As the manufacturer states, it does not make you high.

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