The Conspiracy Guy #12: Just when things seemed to be “settling down” with Trump accepting the “One China” policy, suggesting new settlements on Palestinian land was not “helpful to peace”, informing the EU that the US will abide by the Iran nuclear agreement and nixing Rex Tillerson’s preference for Elliott Abrams as Deputy Secretary of State–catastrophe occurs in the form of the resignation/dismissal of National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, who has been the intelligence expert enabling The Donald to navigate the treacherous shoals of dealing with the US intel community. There are growing suspicions of a conspiracy to target his closest advisors, beginning with Flynn but moving on the KelleyAnne Conway, Steve Bannon and then the President himself. While Hillary cronies and Hillary herself tweet as though this were payback for PizzaGate, there are reasons to believe that, now Jeff Sessions is Attorney General, the hammer is going to fall and that she, Chuck Schumer, Tim Kaine and Michael Blumenthal may be among 30 politicians and 40 others in DC, VA and NYC who are going to be arrested in an imminent PizzaGate sweep.