NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 02.22.17

The Conspiracy Guy #13: The “color revolution” against the new administration continues unabated, but “fake news” about Sweden has reinforced the reasons why Trump wants to enforce regulations on immigration. The continued emphasis from the mainstream media about “Russian interference” in our election by purported hacking of emails from the DNC and that the “Russian dossier” continues to be given any credence whatsoever strains credulity. Even MSNBC anchors object to Trump’s efforts to reach the people directly, because it’s their job to “tell the public what it should think”. Attempts to subvert the new president appear to be motivated by a host of prominent figures, including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and others who are fearful that they are may be exposed and prosecuted for their involvement in the scandal known as “PizzaGate”. While Hillary has been reported “in the house” on Broadway, it is one of her doubles; and while the film, “Newtown”, has been nominated for an Academy Award, Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill. The most widely publicized Sandy Hook “victim” was fabricated from photos of “his step brother” as a child. Hollywood may give its highest prize to a fake film about a fake event. 

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