Progressive Radio Network


New Study: Bt Toxins 100% Lethal to Amphibians

The biotech industry once told the world that Bt insecticidal crops were only harmful to insects and were harmless to pets and people. But a new study of the ecotoxicological risks of widespread commercial Bt spraying found otherwise. Introban®, a Bt-containing product, caused 100% lethality in amphibians.

Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghii tested the effects of Introban®, a commercial formulation of a Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) subtype, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti). She discovered that Introban® is toxic to tadpoles of an Argentinian species of frog at environmentally relevant concentrations. The Bti subtype is meant for mosquitoes, in order to prevent the spread of infectious disease.

After being exposed for only 48 hours to sub-lethal concentrations of Introban®, tadpoles of a common South American frog developed serious health problems that led to their death.

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