Progressive Radio Network


Nika Knight - 'Be Afraid': Largest Corporations Wealthier Than Most Countries

Corporations are running the world, according to new figures released Monday from the U.K.-based Global Justice Now.

“As multinationals increasingly dominate areas traditionally considered the primary domain of the state, we should be afraid.”
—Aisha Dodwell, Global Justice Now

The economic and social justice advocacy group discovered (spreadsheet) that the ten largest corporations are wealthier than most countries in the world combined.

“Today, of the 100 wealthiest economic entities in the world, 69 are now corporations and only 31 countries,” wroteGlobal Justice Now campaigns and policy officer Aisha Dodwell. “This is up from 63 to 37 a year ago. At this rate, within a generation we will be living in a world entirely dominated by giant corporations.”

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