Progressive Radio Network


Once Ahead by 60 Points, Clinton National Lead over Sanders Has Dwindled to Zero

Though all political eyes in the U.S. are now focused like a laser beam on Tuesday’s New York primary, the national trends remain startling when it comes to the intense competition between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Though Clinton led Sanders by sixty points when he entered the campaign less than a year ago, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Monday shows that lead has been “all but eliminated” – with only two percentage points now separating the Democratic candidates.

As the Journal reports, “The result continues a steady narrowing of the gap between the two Democratic candidates since January, when Mrs. Clinton led by 25 points, 59% to 34%. And it is a far cry from the way the race looked when Mr. Sanders began his campaign last year: In June 2015, a Journal/NBC poll found Mrs. Clinton leading by 60 percentage points, 75% to 15%.”

Conducted between April 10-14, with a margin of error of +/-5.3 percent, the latest poll reveals a virtual tie and offers a stunning look at how far the Sanders campaign has come against a candidate that many considered “inevitable”:

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