Progressive Radio Network

Organic Gardner

Organic Gardner Podcast - 03.26.18

Sorry Listeners I edited the audio on this episode while driving over the Continental Divide and did not get any show notes done. Please check out Michael’s awesome website, buy one of his great books and remember to write him an amazing review! He drops tons of golden seeds in this episode I know you are going to enjoy listening to immensely!

Ecologia Design Website

Ecologia Design

Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist: How to Have Your Yard and Eat It Too

Edible Landscaping with a Permaculture Twist: How to Have Your Yard and Eat It Too

Long Creek Homestead permaculture site is just north of downtown Frederick, Maryland at the entrance to Gambrel State Park. Our 25 acre site is a woodland paradise situated along a peaceful rambling creek that offers a rich diversity of eco-zones and resources to work with and learn from. We have multiple food forests, at different ages and stages that boast over 100 varieties of cultivated fruits, nuts and medicinals. Our gardens are designed on raised bed Swales and hugelkulture beds that passively harvest water, create micro-climates and pump food! We grow many types of culinary mushrooms throughout the landscape for food and fertility. In 2016 we completed building our circular round wood timber framed straw bale home that celebrates the beauty and craft of using local resources.

I don’t divide architecture, landscape and gardening; to me they are one.

-Luis Barragan

Consulting & Design – Rain GardenConsult/Design

Whether it is a first time garden or diversification of an already productive landscape our consultations are tailored to your goals and site potentials. Designer Michael Judd is an experienced designer able to ‘read’ landscapes quickly and bring to life numerous approaches and options that make your landscape more productive, ecological and beautiful. His perspectives and varied experience lay the framework that result in successful and enjoyable projects.


Tell us a little about yourself.

I live in Maryland we live on a permaculture homestead

 means it’s ecologically designed

circular straw bale



How do we connect with you?

website ecologia design



great information on there

circular straw bale on there

paw paws

running Kickstarter campaign

march 25th to help sponsor the publication of a book about paw paws

harvesting and using recipes

paw paws

Kickstarter helps me make it a reality

you sponsor a project a wonderful exchange

really creative something on their own

extended rewards



unique rewards

see more about paw paws

The Organic Gardener Podcast is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

If you like what you heard on the Organic Gardener Podcast we’d love it if you’d give us review and hopefully a 5 star rating on iTunes so other gardeners can find us and listen to. Just click on the link here.

Let’s take a minute to thank our sponsors and affiliate links

Health IQ Logo

The Organic Gardner Podcast is sponsored by Health IQ, an insurance company that helps health conscious people like runners, cyclists, weightlifters and vegetarians get lower rates on their life insurance.  Go to to support the show and see if you qualify.

Over half of Health IQ customers save between 4-33% on their life insurance.

Health IQ vegetables celebrating the health conscious

  • Health IQ uses science & data to secure lower rates on life insurance for health conscious people just like you green future growers! Like saving money on your car insurance for being a good driver, Health IQ saves you money on your life insurance for living a health conscious lifestyle.


To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at or mention the promo code OGP when you talk to a Health IQ agent

Good Seed Company Seeds

The Good Seed Company

Now Let’s Get to the Root of Things!

The Organic Gardener Podcast is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

If you like what you heard on the Organic Gardener Podcast we’d love it if you’d give us review and hopefully a 5 star rating on iTunes so other gardeners can find us and listen to. Just click on the link here.

and don’t forget if you need help getting started check out our new 

Free Garden


 Free Organic Garden Course 

Remember you can get the  2018 Garden Journal and Data Keeper to record your garden goals in 


You can  download the first 30 days here   while you’re waiting for it to come in the mail. 

Organic Gardening Podcast Group

We’d love if you’d join  Organic Gardener Podcast Facebook Community!

If you like what you heard on the Organic Gardener Podcast we’d love it if you’d give us review and hopefully a 5 star rating on iTunes so other gardeners can find us and listen to. Just click on the link here.