Project Censored – 07.29.20

How do private interests maintain control over public land? Mickey and his guests explore the example of Point Reyes National Seashore in California, where commercial ranches and dairies still operate, despite being bought out after the park’s creation in 1962.   Also in the conversation,  how can national parks be made more welcoming and accessible to communities of color? Notes: Mickey’s …

Project Censored – 06.30.20

Mickey’s guest for the hour is Nolan Higdon; their subject is fake news and Higdon’s forthcoming book, “The Anatomy of Fake News.” Their discussion includes a look at the long history of fake news, as well as Higdon’s proposed checklist for identifying a story as fake news. Download Here   Notes: Nolan Hidgon teaches teaches history and media studies at …

Project Censored – 06.23.20

As the concept of “defunding the police” is discussed nationwide, this week’s program offers an example of  how to replace policing and discipline with community-based approaches. Mickey’s guests explain the theory,  practice and benefits of using ‘restorative justice’ in the context of public schools. Notes: Amber Yang is a Restorative Justice & Wellness Coordinator at Novato High School in Marin …

Project Censored – 06.17.20

Author Dan Kovalik joins the program to explain why the “humanitarian” wars of the U.S. and its allies only make life even worse for the people they ostensibly protect. Then free-press advocate Chris Finan  produces evidence that police around the US are deliberately attacking journalists covering the recent  Black Lives Matter demonstrations.   Notes: Dan Kovalik is a law professor and …

Project Censored – 06.02.20

Mickey’s first guest this week is Robin Andersen, who explains the misleading consequences of portraying the coronavirus crisis as a “war;” she and Mickey also review the media treatment of the police murder of George Floyd. Then Eleanor Goldfield returns to the show to describe her new documentary “Hard Road of Hope,” a look at the history of labor and environmental-health  struggles in West Virginia. …

Project Censored – 05.20.20

50 years have passed since Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on Kent State University students protesting the Vietnam War. Four students were killed and nine wounded. On this Part II of our two-part Kent-State series, Mickey and his guests reflect on the Kent State massacre’s effect on history. Download Here Notes:   Joel Ies was a labor and antiwar …

Project Censored – 05.12.20

50 years have passed since Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on Kent State University students protesting the Vietnam War. Four students were killed and nine wounded. On this week’s program, Mickey and his guests review the event and reflect on its impact, then and now.  Notes:   Peter Kuznick is Professor of History at American University in Washington, DC, …

Project Censored – 05.05.20

This week’s program focuses on the media’s response to the Coronavirus epidemic. Mickey’s first guest, Nicholas Baham, outlines his “Covid Chronicles,” a continuing collection of interviews from people around the US — especially from communities neglected in  corporate media — about how the coronavirus is affecting their lives. In the second half of the program, Anthony Dimaggio explains how big …

Project Censored – 04.28.20

Historian Peter Kuznick returns to the Project Censored Show to discuss his latest project: working with a team of other scholars and activists to create and publicize a “Covid 19 Solidarity Manifesto.” It demands that world governments redirect resources away from war and armaments toward serving the needs of all people, by way of universal health care and education, a basic income …

Project Censored – 04.21.20

For the first half of the program, Andy Lee Roth describes his research indicating that Google and other internet giants are filtering out material from LGBT publications, yet allowing anti-gay hate ‘speech.’ Then attorney Peter Obstler explains a federal lawsuit against Youtube that he filed on behalf of several gay or lesbian video producers — a case that might clarify …