Progressive Radio Network


PBS caught massively censoring criticism of Hillary Clinton

The mainstream media is pulling out all the stops to get Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential nominee, elected, and that mostly entails throwing out all semblance of unbiased reporting.

The most recent perpetrator of journalistic dishonesty on Clinton’s behalf is the taxpayer-funded PBS. The program PBS Newshour recently snuffed out all criticism of Clinton – as well as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Obamacare – stemming from “correspondent” Judy Woodruff’s interview with Green Party presidential nominee Dr. Jill Stein.

The clipped edits were discovered by a Stein supporter, Matt Orfalea, when he made a comparison of a Facebook Live version with the broadcast and YouTube versions. Orfalea summarily added the clipped portions and posted the full interview, Breitbart News reported.

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