The Personal Computer Radio Show – 11.22.17

Personal Computer Show
Wednesday, November 22nd 2017 Broadcast on the INTERNET 6:00 PM ET
Microsoft Will End Free Windows 10 Upgrade December 31:
Work Around with Windows 10 ISO file
How to remove software leftover artifacts:
IObit Uninstaller 7 Free and Advanced SystemCare Free.
Google Docs went down for ‘a significant’ number of users for over an hour

First Look Review of Firefox Version 57.0 – Hank Kee
Wearable and Health Technology – Dr Alfred Poor
Brain scans can identify adolescents with suicidal thoughts,
First pill with a sensor is approved by the FDA
A flexible battery helps light up a smart dental brace
From the Workbench – Hank Kee
There are notebooks and there are notebooks
Home Automation – Marty Winston
Thanksgiving Thoughts


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