The Personal Computer Radio Show – 11.29.17

Personal Computer Show
Wednesday, November 29th 2017 Broadcast on the INTERNET 6:00 PM ET
WBAI – FM 99.5 NY On the Radio 9:00 PM ET
You can log into macOS High Sierra as root with no password
Upgraded Windows 7 to Windows 10. What’s Your New Serial ID?
Google Is Tracking Your Android Phone’s Location Even With Location Turned Off
482 Popular Websites Are Recording Your Every Keystroke And Mouse Movements
Data release: list of websites that have third-party “session replay” scripts
Wearable and Health Technology – Dr Alfred Poor
New digital tags that you attach to your clothing for 24/7 activity monitoring,
printing replacement hearts using a patient’s own blood cells,
and the rapid growth of wearable patches for health and medical applications.
From the Workbench – Hank Kee
Difference Between Tethering & Hotspot: Which One Is More Secure?
The difference between 32 bit and 64 bit Windows OS
Home Automation – Marty Winston
What is a Raspberry Pi?


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