The tenth installment of The Plutocracy Report begins with Vince ranting about the need to demand a new, simple, fair and equal tax system. It’s time for us to unite, make demands as a majority and finally be involved in the government process. After that he explores how the righties are seeing Trump as a hero in a delusional haze of hatred of the left. This tactic works on both sides of the dichotomy of division. The song segment features Wilco and is radiantly set up by Vince explaining how the right and left wings need to come together on the big issue we can all agree on; one wing will never fly. The second half kicks off by taking a look at the extreme edges of climate change, from (very) near term human extinction to total climate change denial. Vince gets angry because he feels people are choosing apathy over action and no one ever seems to want to fight for change. Then we hear about how Iran is being set up for something and its playing out now. In closing, what does plutocrat Jeff Bezos think is the best way for him to blow some doe. The answer proves the ultra wealthy are mentally ill.