Political Analysis – 05.21.15

The May 21, 2015 edition of “Political Analysis” featured two guests.

1.) Meg Healy was a researcher & reporter for the website RioOnWatch.org last year and will be returning to Rio in August as a housing policy reporter. She is a recent graduate at University of Wisconsin-Madison and authored her recently-submitted senior thesis titled, “Olympic Housing Games: Housing Policy and Socio-Spatial Displacement in Pre-Olympics Rio de Janiero.” Healy discussed her research and writing on the forthcoming Olympic games with “Political Analysis.”

2.) Alleen Brown is Associate Research Editor for The Intercept and author of two recent investigative articles on one of the lesser-known forces that propelled Obama Administration-backed Arctic drilling from dream to reality. That is, the National Petroleum Council, not to be confused with the American Petroleum Institute. Brown talked about these articles and previewed what she’s working on in the coming days and weeks for The Intercept.

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