Progressive Radio Network

Progressive Commentary Hour

Progressive Commentary Hour - 01.04.22

Dr. Peter Breggin has been called the “conscience of psychiatry” during his outstanding career to reform the mental health field.  Dr. Breggin is a Harvard trained psychiatrist and a former consultant for the National Institutes of Mental Health. He is one of our nation’s most important critics of the current conventional psychotherapeutic approaches in treating mental disorders in both adults and children, particularly the epidemic use of psychoactive drugs.  Along with his wife, he is the founder of the Center for the Study of Empathic Therapy, a non profit organization providing scientific-based information on dangers and adverse effects of psychiatric drugs. Dr. Breggin has written many important and award winning books, notably “Medication Madness” and “Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal.” His most recent book is “Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are Their Prey,” which deals with many of the underlying motivations behind the pandemic and the ineffective and scientifically questionable responses taken.  His website is