Progressive Radio Network

Progressive Commentary Hour

Progressive Commentary Hour – 05.24.16

Conchita Sarnoff is the executive director of the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, a non profit organization based in Washington DC with a mission to increase political and public awareness about human trafficking and child sex trafficking in particular. A large part of the organization’s work is rescue girls between the ages of 6 and 12 in North America. She broke the story in 2010 about billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia ring. She has been a contributor to the Financial Times, Latin America Herald Tribune, the Huffington Post, Daily Beast and other publications and has appeared as a television commentator on NBC, Fox, ABC, Russia TV among others. Conchita graduated from Columbia University with a degree in political science and received additional credentials from the Harvard Business School.  This month she published her book “Trafficking” – which takes a hard look at the underground of child sex trafficking and highlights the case of Jeffrey Epstein, a close confidante of Bill Clinton.  Her websites are and 

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