Progressive Radio Network

Project Censored

Project Censored - 01.09.18

In the first half of the show, Mickey and Peter speak with three student researchers
at San Francisco State University, and their faculty advisor, about their current Project Censored research,
and about innovative new approaches to journalism itself.
Then Chase Palmieri of makes a return visit to the show, to offer an update on Tribeworthy’s progress.
Tribeworthy’s purpose is to offer news ‘consumers’ a site to collectively rate the quality of individual news stories.
This is a rebroadcast of the Project Censored Show of June 11, 2017.
Bethany Surface, Malcolm Pinson and Audrey Johnson are students at San Francisco State University
and members of the SFSU Project Censored Club; Kenn Burrows is faculty advisor to the club,
and an lecturer in Holistic Health Studies.
Chase Palmieri is co-founder of
Web site mentioned on this week’s program: