Project Censored – 08.04.21

Mickey’s first guest is long-time media activist and “culture jammer” Kalle Lasn,
the founder of Adbusters magazine. He summarizes the history of Adbusters,
and explains some recent developments, including the decision by Canada’s dominant drug-store chain
to cease selling the magazine.
In the second half, Chase Palmieri returns to the program to explain the project he founded,, the web site that gives news readers a place to evaluate the quality of news articles.
Kalle Lasn lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he founded Adbusters magazine in 1989;
he remains its editor-in-chief. He is also the author of three books, Culture JamDesign Anarchy, and Meme Wars.
Chase Palmieri‘s work in the restaurant business inspired his idea that news consumers should have
a review site for journalism analogous to Yelp’s role for restaurants; to provide this opportunity,
and create an incentive for news outlets to improve their product, he created
the Project Censored Show:


Host: Mickey Huff 
Producer: Anthony Fest