Project Censored – 08.12.20

Sociologist and author William I. Robinson returns to the program to speak about his forthcoming book, “The Global Police State,”
from Pluto Press. Also on the program is sociologist and author Peter Phillips. For the hour, they discuss the corporate-directed changes
in the economy that have left more and more of the world’s population without stable employment, and the consequent growth in the military and police sectors needed to suppress peoples’ uprisings against the failing capitalist system.
William I. Robinson is Professor of Sociology at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Peter Phillips is Professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University,
a former director of Project Censored, and the author of “Giants: the Global Power Elite.”
The Pluto Press website is
Music-break information:
  1. “Wall Street Shuffle” by 10cc

  2. “Mathematics” by Mos Def

  3. “Money” by Pink Floyd


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