Progressive Radio Network

Higher Education

Propagandists Have Infiltrated Every Segment of Academia and Social Media To Confuse Consumers Who Seek Accurate Information About Health

The long anticipated cultural war over vaccines initiated by governments on behalf of the pharmaceutical industrial complex is steadily increasing in intensity. Contrary to innate human rights, mandatory initiatives to vaccinate the entire population have spawned well over one hundred bills across 36 states. How any sane person can still believe that the vaccination movement is one of benevolence or anything to do with advancing health is beyond logic. Since the false pandemic in 2009, the pharmaceutical industry has paid more than 2.5 billion to doctors and industry shills who have used their position of trust to push deadly drugs and the false science of vaccines to billions.

In the early 1970s, a group of medical researchers decided to study an unusual question. How would a medical audience respond to a lecture that was completely devoid of content, yet delivered with authority by a convincing phony? To find out, the authors hired a distinguished-looking actor and gave him the name Dr. Myron L. Fox. They fabricated an impressive CV for Dr. Fox and billed him as an expert in mathematics and human behavior. Finally, they provided him with a fake lecture composed largely of impressive-sounding gibberish, and had him deliver the lecture wearing a white coat to three medical audiences under the title “Mathematical Game Theory as Applied to Physician Education.” At the end of the lecture, the audience members filled out a questionnaire.

The responses were overwhelmingly positive. The audience members described Dr. Fox as “extremely articulate” and “captivating.” One said he delivered “a very dramatic presentation.” After one lecture, 90 percent of the audience members said they had found the lecture by Dr. Fox “stimulating.” Over all, almost every member of every audience loved Dr. Fox’s lecture, despite the fact that, as the authors write, it was delivered by an actor “programmed to teach charismatically and nonsubstantively on a topic about which he knew nothing.”

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