Progressive Radio Network


Ramzy Baroud - Beware ‘Sunni-Stan’: Neocons are Back and Their ‘Vision’ is Darker than Ever

Considering the damage that the neocons have already done, surely no good can come from the policy recommendations of John Bolton and his clique.

John Bolton is a tarnished character. The once United States Ambassador to the United Nations is now promoted as a ‘scholar’ in the pro-Israel lobby group, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

Bolton is not a peacemaker, nor, in his defense, did he ever try to appear as if one. When he was appointed as the US Ambassador to the UN by George W. Bush, his stint lasted for only one year, starting August 2005. His time in this position was marked with discord and conflict. He stole the limelight with such statements as “The (UN) Secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If it lost ten stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.”

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