Progressive Radio Network

Replenish Me

Replenish Me - 01.18.18

Eleanor Barrager, DCCN, FAAIM, is an internationally renowned nutritionist who has lectured at medical conventions in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and across the U.S. She will talk about how our veins are not “just rubber hoses,” but actually living structures that respond to how we treat them, whether negatively or positively. She will explain how certain foods, lifestyle shifts and certain nutritional supplements can prevent, and even reverse, cardiovascular disease.


With over 35 years of clinical and teaching experience under her belt, Eleanor has worked as a research dietitian and medical scientist at Melbourne University in Australia, a dietitian in private practice specializing in treating chronically unwell patients, a college lecturer in biological sciences, and a research clinician at HealthComm International, Inc. Eleanor has also had a successful career as a sports nutrition consultant to Olympic athletes and has contributed to and published various articles in the lay press, several original research papers in peer-reviewed medical journals, and the children’s book Fun with Food.


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