Progressive Radio Network


Replenish Me - 02.01.18

Nik Trowbridge is an educator, salon owner, mentor, mother and so much more. In our conversation, she dives right into her core beliefs on self-care and mastery.


Her passion is helping single mothers to flourish in life and business. This was a very important part of her success. On her website she recounts, “Fortunately, I had brilliant mentors and a high pain tolerance, which served me well in running a salon company.

So that little salon named Statements the Salon located in Woodbridge, VA has grown to approximately 50 employees grossing around $2.8 million per year. This happened with business systems and an environment that encourages team growth.”


Learn more about her and her projects here:


We mention the 168 Hour Theory of Entrepreneurial Success class in the interview:



Instagram: @niktrowbridge & @thestatementsproject


Cordelia Gaffar

Stress Less. Connect More.

Cordelia Gaffar, Founder of Workout Around My Day and the Stress Less Holistic Coach

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