Replenish Me – 05.24.18

Prasanna is an Inspirational Speaker, Published Author and Creatrix of Elemental Woman™.
She is available for speaking engagements in front of smaller and larger audiences. 

To invite Prasanna to speak at your events,

When it comes to creating a business from overflow that is 100% aligned to your Heart’s Calling, Prasanna is the expert in the field. Attend her Wise Woman Leader 3 Day Weekend either in the US or in Australia, check out her website

Prasanna travels and speaks internationally to share her passion to Awaken a New Generation of Wise Woman Leaders and the profound wisdom she has received over a course of 30 years. Prasanna offers life-changing events virtually and in person. Elemental Woman™ not only Awakens your Heart’s Calling but opens you to your innate Feminine Creative Force to regenerate from the inside out. This work opens up profound self-understanding for women and connects them with a power that is far greater than they ever imagined. 

Prasanna inspires women with her own rich tapestry of life with her love of beauty, nature, family and the freedom to express all of who she is. To receive her FREE video, “A Woman’s 9 Essential Keys to Financial Abundance”


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