Progressive Radio Network

Resistance Radio

Resistance Radio - Interview of Beth Lowe, Thistle Pettersen, and Lierre Keith

Beth Lowe is a mother of two living in the Midwest.  She is a signatory to WDI’s Declaration on Women’s Sex Based Rights, a member of the TERF Collective, and a parent who is fed up with gender ideology and is fighting back against the damage to our children.

 Thistle Pettersen is a Singer/Songwriter and Feminist Newscaster living and working in Madison, WI. She has been harassed by misogynists in her city for years for expressing her woman-centered feminist views. She is a founding member of WLRN, Women’s Liberation Radio News and she recently released a new album of original music called Spinning & Weaving

Lierre Keith has been a radical feminist for 40 years. She is the author of seven books, including The Vegetarian Myth: Food, Justice, and Sustainability, which has been called “the most important ecological book of this generation.”  She is coauthor, with Derrick Jensen and Max Wilbert, of Bright Green Lies:How the Environmental Movement Lost Its Way and What We Can Do About It She lives in northern California with giant trees and giant dogs. She’s also been arrested six times for acts of political resistance.