Progressive Radio Network


ROBERT HUNZIKER - Healthcare’s Neoliberal Death Warrant

Neoliberalism’s mantra of “privatizing everything in sight” and elimination, or cutbacks, of governmental programs, aka: austerity, especially public healthcare, is a death warrant for millions, maybe more than millions!

Sure-fire, whenever private interests take control, or cut funding for public welfare programs, similar to what Democratic and Republican neoliberal advocates have consistently advocated ever since the 1980s, all hell breaks lose.

For example, elimination of Glass-Steagall (Clinton administration, 1999) is only one of several examples of cutting a program that protected public interests gone bonkers (in 2007-08.) It only took a little over a decade to come apart at the seams. But, as will be examined herein, cutbacks to public funding for healthcare stands to be much more diabolical than enormous losses of money in the markets, where bankers always manage to lose their way, which is exactly why the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was so important! It kept banks, where people deposit their savings, out of the casino.

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