SCOTUS Rules Against Limiting Mercury Pollution from Power Plants – Robert Harrington

The Supreme Court has issued yet another ruling that has many people up in arms. Environmental activists and health advocates alike are especially unhappy with their most recent decision concerning power plant emissions. Permitting mercury and other highly toxic air pollutants emitted from plants to remain insufficiently regulated will ultimately translate to higher healthcare costs around the country.

The degree of bioaccumulation of mercury in fish alone has demonstrated that power plant and industrial releases of mercury have now saturated the environment. Because power plant-generated air pollution is so widespread, much of the toxic mercury pollution will eventually end up in the water and on the land. Just as fish have a tendency to concentrate mercury in certain tissues, humans and farm animals which are exposed to inordinate levels of air pollution coming from power plants will also receive toxic doses of mercury.



The Supreme Court Has No Business Regulating Industry

The real problem with an activist court is that it grows accustomed to legislating from the bench. Although it has no business in the regulation of air pollution, it has inserted itself into the regulatory process. The SCOTUS has now made numerous decisions which have weakened various laws and statutes which were designed to protect the environment and safeguard human health.  Both the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act have fallen victim to their outright judicial interference, which is usually undertaken to benefit industry not safeguard the people.

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