Produced and Directed by Dr. Gary Null
Running time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
Seeds of Death – Unveiling the Lies of GMOs
The global launch of a second Green Revolution, spearheaded by genetic engineering and corrupt corporations such as Monsanto and DuPont, shows every sign of being as catastrophic as the first revolution. As the big agro-chemical complex morphs into one of the world’s most powerful lobbies, educating people about the dangers of genetically modified crops, or GMOs, and the growing threats of toxic intensive agriculture can hinder GMO’s domination of our food supply.Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs, by award-winning documentary film director Gary Null, takes on the seed cartel’s propaganda and political influence to expose a fabric of lies and deceit now threatening the safety and life of every species. Predictably, GMOs will reduce sustainable agriculture and humanity’s ability to meet global food demands. GMOs are founded on a baseless science, originally approved through political maneuvering and disregard for human safety. Hundreds of scientific studies reveal GMOs’ serious health risks to animals and these same adverse conditions are rapidly observed in the epidemic rise of human diseases.
In addition to health risks, there is no evidence that GMOs will provide food security in the future. Industrial agriculture is dirty. It leaves a larger environmental greenhouse gas footprint compared to organic farming methods. It depends upon massive amounts of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and greater water resources. The result is soil devastation and lower crop yields.
Seeds of Death features the voices and warnings of our world’s most vital experts demanding the reassessment of GMOs, including Jeffrey Smith, Vandana Shiva, Ronnie Cummins, Shiv Chopra, Michael Antoniou, Rima Laibow, Bruce Lipton, Joseph Mercola, Arpad Pusztai, organic farmers, and others.
The film’s message is clear: the future of food security that relies upon GMOs will devastate the planet and create catastrophic health and food crises to the world population.
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