Progressive Radio Network


Sefi Rachlevsky - The time for repressing is over: Most of Orthodox Judaism in Israel is being taken over by a violent, racist, messianic theology.

The Shin Bet security service has a great deal of chutzpah. After years of indulging messianic Jewish terror, it places the theological revolution on the shoulders of one Meir Ettinger, as if “he doesn’t listen to the rabbis.” Why it is convenient for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to write it off to uncontrollable “wild weeds” is quite clear; it was convenient in the same way after the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. But where does the truth lie?

Ettinger is an important, representative member of the “Derech Chaim” (Way of Life) movement of Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh. On the public list of its thousands of members are generations of terrorists.