Progressive Radio Network


Seth Gladstone - Who's Digging In On The Dakota Access Pipeline?

In case you hadn’t heard, resistance to the now-infamous Dakota Access oil pipeline project isn’t letting up. It’s only growing stronger. For months, the Standing Rock Sioux and allied indigenous tribes throughout the country have been actively but peacefully resisting construction of the pipeline, which would threaten the safety and sanctity of their sacred tribal lands.

More recently, activists across the country standing in solidarity with affected indigenous communities have demonstrated against Dakota Access and other harmful fossil fuel pipeline projects from coast to coast. In the meantime, state authorities have shamefully filed criminal charges against journalists covering the pipeline resistance.

Last month, in support of all those opposing the Dakota Access pipeline, Food & Water Watch released a widely-disseminated profile of the major American and international banking entities that are bankrolling the pipeline – and expecting to profit heavily off of it. The report, Who’s Banking on the Dakota Access Pipeline?, illuminated the deep stake our country’s financial corporations have in maintaining society’s dependence on dirty, antiquated fossil fuels.

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